Business Incentives
Join our family of businesses building a sense of community here in Wytheville
Downtown Wytheville offers an excellent place to do business: we’re just minutes from Interstates 81 and 77, which means an average of 60,000 vehicles per day pass through our area. There are nearly 2,000 hotel rooms in Wytheville, attracting tourists, travelers, and business traffic.
As part of the Main Street America™ accredited program, Downtown Wytheville is a recognized leader among the national network of more than 1,200 neighborhoods and communities that share both a commitment to creating high‐quality places and to building stronger communities through preservation‐based economic development.
Downtown Wytheville and the Town of Wytheville offer a host of incentives and grant opportunities to support businesses, which you can learn more about here.
For downtown property owners, we offer a Facade Improvement grant which 1:1 matches investments up to $15,000 to implement facade changes in line with renderings from Virginia Main Street-approved architects. You can find out more here.
Restaurants seeking guidance on outdoor dining options for their business utilizing public spaces like sidewalks can find more information here.
New to 2024: Downtown property owners can apply for a matching reimbursement grant up to $15,000 to improve energy efficiency in their building or install renewable energy arrays to offset utility costs for tenant businesses. Find out more information here.
If you are interested in starting a business, growing your business, or relocating to Downtown Wytheville, call or email our staff, and let’s set up a meeting to explore how we can best bring your vision to life.
What sets Downtown Wytheville apart?
We offer a variety of state and local incentives including:
Meals and Lodging Tax Reimbursement
Facade Improvement Reimbursement
Signage Grants
Marketing & Branding Assistance
Some Utility and Permitting Waivers
& Many other incentives, as programs are applied for and authorized by the Town of Wytheville and the Commonwealth of Virginia
We are always looking for ways to make it easier to do business in Downtown Wytheville and are constantly searching for and applying for new grant programs.
Many of our rebates can be received for five years.
Our grants, rebates, exemptions, and other benefits are stackable, meaning a qualifying business of sufficient volume could be eligible for millions of dollars in incentives through a mixture of local, regional, state, and federal programs.
We can offer assistance in helping you seek out and layer together these grant and incentive programs.
Economic incentives are backed by other types of assistance, such as the services provided by the Joint Industrial Development Authority and Downtown Wytheville.
The Downtown Business District (B-2 DT) is a specific geographical area, represented on this map. To learn more about the Wythe County Enterprise zone, visit the Wythe County Joint Industrial Development Authority website.